Thursday 11 September 2014

Subcategories of Music Video

05:22 Posted by ochuko 1 comment
There are three different convention styles of music videos, these conventions are what music video directors use to establish the types of storytelling and entertainment that they chose to convey to their audience. The three different conventional styles of music videos are; Narrative based, performance based, and concept based. 
   These different styles hold very different conventions that share little to no similarities between them. The conventional styling of a music video could also be used as a way for the director to highlight the undertones of the music videos as well as the key themes that are apparent in the video, for example a love ballad could be paired with a hybrid of a performance and narrative; in which the performance piece will showcase the singer at parts were the vocals are the must powerful and transition to a narrative piece at other points in the song to connote the meaning of the exact line.  

Monday 8 September 2014

Introduction (countined)

07:34 Posted by ochuko 1 comment

Introduction (countined)

As I had stated earlier in my blog I have been tasked with directing and producing a visual audio piece for my A2 media studies coursework. After reflecting I have decided that I will be creating a music video for my coursework. In addition to creating the music video I am also expected to create a digipak for the respected consumers for my music video; this digipak will be made up of a promotional poster advertising my star and my chosen song as well as a design for my album cover and the CD template.
Screenshot from 

Wednesday 3 September 2014


04:17 Posted by ochuko No comments

Blog Introduction 

Hello! Allow me to introduce myself; my name is Ochuko Ideh and welcome to my A2 media studies coursework in this blog I will be intensively tracking and logging the progress made as I embarked on my coursework.
This year I have been tasked with producing and directing a short pieces of visual art; this could range from; music videos, film trailer, documentary, etc. as well as designing and producing a digipack for my finished product, this is in sharp contrast from my coursework from last year in which I had to design and produce a music magazine (pictured and linked below) during this period I had gathered an arsenal of research and development skills in which I can duplicate unto my A2 coursework.